
Crime on the rise

I'm just happy that the words, "sodomy" and "Texas" are not included in this little shenanigan.

WTF!? Who'd rather live in a culture of beer, rather than fear? Oh me me me...

Okay, so I would like to get some more opinions on this whole story. The big question is, "What do the Boy Scouts have to do with this at all?" The headline Cub Scout Leader Arrested in BTK Killings. However his involvement with BSoA has nothing to do with the fact that he killed around 10 people. However, they also mentioned that he was "active at his Lutheran church," as well. Therefore, be warned, Lutheran Boy Scouts are most likely goign to kill you some time soon.


Forget an iPod, I'm buying a companion

The answer to my problems is here, and her name isyumel.

Satisfied mind

Somehow this makes me feel better...a little more at peace.

Me thinks the Pink is scaring the children...

Things that are frustrating at the moment:
1. A cracker trying to teach African-American history to Japanese students (at least it was students the first week, now it's been reduced to just 'student')
2. Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corporation; don't let them convince you that everyone from Iowa is an Angel playing baseball...although I am convinced that the people at ISLLC do often carry baseball bats
3. Eating curry for like the 6th day in a row
4. The fact that my desire to blog far exceeds my readership...at least I get to look at my thoughts in some published form.

It's not all bad. I get paid tomorrow and I get to go out with the department for din-din.

Few notes for those that may read:
1. Brian: please do the review of Aeroplane over the sea...I still can't stop listening to it.
2. Martin, I have to admit that I complain and ask questions far more then I actually transcribe and I am very happy and grateful that you gave me this job; anything for a friend.
3. If you have gotten this far you have successfully made it into my will. In order to be compensated please mail a self-addressed envelope with ¥2,000 ($20 USD) to me...if you need the address please call Iowa Student Loan as they often send me love letters...even in Japan. Guess that 's where the money from the interest goes to...


Love thine enemy...

Uncle Sam scrapes the bottom of the barrell with new recruiting ploy, "hey, at least when you come back we'll get you 'rollin' with a new future...eh eh?"

Free Mojtaba and Arash Day

February 22nd is Free Mojtaba and Arash Day, two Iranians who have been jailed for views expressed in their bloggers. Although my blog is pretty tame and harmless (i.e. the pretty in pink look) I still think that this is a day worth observing. I do not know what it was that they expressed, and upon looking for a clue I have reached a dead end. I am not one for wanting to spread democracy throughout the world via force or through any overpowering sanctions, but I am one for freedom of expression. Please take the time today and pass the word onto others.
For a little more insight check out: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4278241.stm.
Have a good day.


You can still see the high water marks...

The man who first got me interested in reading and writing, beyond Levar Burton and the Reading Rainbow Readers, Mr. Hunter S. Thompson, is dead. He apparantly took his own life last night, or today (if you are me), in Colorado. It is a sad day. God rest your soul Dr. Gonzo.

Recognition and Revelations Make the Day

Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan-“Honestly, I never thought that anyone really cared.” Shock and pride filled the face of 23 year old English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Assistant Professor Daniel Axelson Thursday February 17th when he found that someone had not only been reading an online journal he has been publishing, but also suggested it to others. Axelson stated that his initial hope was that the Web Log or “Blog” would be used as an outlet for his writing as well as a place for his family and friends to check in on his various activities while in Japan. “I never really thought that it would go so far as to get the attention of someone like Michael Pape!” exclaimed Axelson in a phone interview.
Pape’s (author of http://epth.blogspot.com) connection to Axelson has been limited and scattered at best. “I mean, I met the guy a few times and I always thought that he was pretty smart, you know, not the type of guy that would want to read my stuff, let alone post on the side of his blog to like, have others look at it too. It’s a small world man, this is really blowing my mind.” Mr. Axelson later divulged how he stumbled across Pape’s Blog on another Web Log site, http://goodgame.blogspot.com, a site maintained by his cousin and some limited individuals. “I like try and check it everyday, it’s a good way to see what everyone is up to back home you know. Plus they are like really smart and usually I don’t understand what they are talking about, but it is still interesting. Wish I could get me on that blogger…”
Mr. Pape was not available for comment, but through inspection of his “Blog” one can see how Axelson may be a little overwhelmed at the fellow’s intelligence. His insight and criticism of life and television are often wry and witty, a little more than the content on Axleson’s own Web Log. The incident as a whole sheds much light onto the fact that the world is shrinking and that small minds are easy stimulated as well as complimented, leaving Mr. Pape the torch bearer on spreading happiness and communication across our ever expanding world.
Good on ya Mr. Pape.

Author’s final note: Mr. Axelson would also like to acknowledge Pape’s wife and said, “hey, like tell her I said ‘hello’ or something, and maybe ‘how’s things?”


Yeah yeah yeah...it's been a while

Okay, so no time to dwell on why I haven't written in a while, on to the important stuff:

So I have never been a big fan of conspiracy theories, DaVinci related or not. But I do have one myself. Maybe "conspiracy" is not the proper term...we shall call it an "enlightenment." The point: so I was watching the Big Lebowski today and I noticed that there were some odd coincidences. If you watch the begining of the film you see the Dude go into "Ralph's," his local grocer, to buy some cream. While checking out, after suckling at the teat of free enterprise (i.e. a carton of Half & Half that he opened and tried before purchasing...by the way, what is Half & Half? I would imagine one half is some sort of dairy product, but what of the other Half? hmmm...). Anyway, while checking out and writing his check for $.68 he looks up to listen to the remarks of G. Bush Sr. stating that, "...this aggresion will not stand..." or something of that ilk. Okay, you ready for the kicker, the date on the check was...Sept. 11th, 1991, eleven years before Jeff and Nicole got married...and ten years before the whole big Sept. 11th, 2001 incident. Weird no? Please, someone, take this observation and make sense of it...or at least fun of it, or maybe some sort of funsense of it (not to be confused with "workcited!").

Okay, well I tire of this game. I must go to bed. But I would also like to take this time to ask that you perhaps mosey over and take a gander at my other work in progress. I think that it has promise written all over it, that address again is http://weblogreview.blogspot.com. Check it out if you dare....ooooooooooooooooooo.