
A little too ornate for disc golf...don'tcha think?

Well this weekend I finally got to go out and do something I have wanted to do for a long time, play a round or two of disc golf. I found a place online before I even came to Japan but had no clue how to get there. Finally after talking up the game for a few months I found someone to go with me that would be able to help, plus the game is quite a bit better with two. So here are some shots from the day. This first one was not actually on the course, but he had to walk through it to get to the course. Nice little bit to look at in the background. Plus it made me curse less as I threw like crap. Ho hum. Enjoy, I know I did.

a little putt putt

Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
Russell soon found that couldn't drive the disc worth crap but that the putting was truly the important part.

no discs lost here...

no discs lost here...
Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
The best thing about the course was that they thought ahead and had the tree branches lifted so that you wouldn't have to crawl under some huge tree when you lost your disc. Such a practical country that Japan.


Union blogger

I am currently on strike until Brian Riggins posts something new. Actually I have just been slightly busy and don't have time for this right now. But please remain faithful and check me out every once and a while.
Note to Brian: Dear Good Sir, you really should post something new soon...it's not like you have a job or anything.


a dilly of a pickle...

Anyone who has a minute and would like to get a little insight into just how confusing a country this is please read this .
It just seems a little strange to me. I can't decide if it is really news or if it is just plain strange. Perhaps it was either a slow news day or perhaps there is just a cultural sensibility that I have not picked up on.
Let me know what you think.
Ways Jesus Saves


More of what I've been up to...

Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
This last week (Tuesday through Thursday) I went camping with some friends from the rugby team. It was a blast. They went by car and I met them off the train in the wonderful, and beautiful, town of Shiga. It is north of Kyoto and was a much needed change of scenery. It is always nice for me to see trees and moutains that are taller/not hidden by the buildings. We camped beside lake Biwa (Japan's largest lake). The water was freezing but he weather was nice and we couldn't have asked for more.

Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
It was a bit of a rowdy bunch...

Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
But we were still able to get in touch with nature.

Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
Matty doing his best to add a little excitement to the weekend by luring women onto the campsite dressed in only a towel and then snagging them up at the last minute. Good on ya' buddy...

What I've been up to...

@the beach
Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
Recently I went to another aquarium (mostly in an attempt to please Tanner's, Mr. Rachel Rudolph, father...sorry no luck on the fiddle fern seahorse). It was nice and had a dolphin show which was amazing. Also it was one of the first really nice, and hot, days that we have had. So it wasn't all that bad to take a walk along the beach and then head into the aquarium. Something to do...right?
Well anyway I went with this nice girl and learned an invaluable lesson: take off the big lens and put on the small one before asking someone to take a picture for you...enjoy the following.

Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
In order to get to the Aquarium we had to walk along the beach (which I realize you cannot see in this picture...I have always been more of a mountain than water kind of person).

Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
Now I have never been to a dolphin show before...but I am sure that this was one of the coolest ones around. I mean come on that thing is practically dancing on the water. Such agility and skill!

Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
Who would have thought that they would have had penguins too?! Wow...what a remarkable show!