
Life is full of so many choices, but I only want to suck the fig from the newton...ya dig?

So you know how depressing it is to get up on a monday morning and check my e-mail only to have a message from ABC news? Pretty damn depressing. But hey, I am curious to read about a bunch of new crappy tv shows that I won't be able to see. Nothing would make me happier. At least the kind folks, with no sense of creativity, have the decency to drop me a line. Ah, who am I kidding. I'm not angry, I just wish that I could have had a little shout out from someone...I mean anyone. Just a little nod o' the head and a grunt would be appreciated.

Enough bitching.

It's hot over here. And I know that it's probably hot over there, but I'm talking about a new level uncomfortable. I'm talking about like late August St. Louis heat. I'm talking about walking around and taking two or maybe three extra shirts with...for sanitary and sanity reasons.
Okay so I pretty much have to walk everywhere that I want to go in this country. Or I at least have to walk to the train station (a little under one mile) and then I have to walk to whatever my destination. So I would easily say that on a given day (If I go anywhere, which I usually do) I am walking about 3-5 miles. That's a lot of sweet in this crap. It's wicked...speaking of wicked, who here as tried Wicked Pete's Strawberry Blonde? It is a delicious little brew. At least as I recal it was pretty tasty last summer. Good, light beer. No it isn't fruity or anything like that. It's just a smooth wheat beer with a bit of a strawberry aftertaste. It's a lot better than actual beer aftertaste.

As if the heat weren't enough we also have cicada's or do we call them June Bug's? Either way they call them "semi"s here. They are really annoying and now their vacant shells are all over the ground. They sound a lot like a downed powerline. It feels a though Japan was cursed with some sort of plague...if so then it must have happened a long time ago because the people sure don't give two shakes about a thing. They just go around saying "atsui desu ne", which I think is, "Hot enough for ya"?


His-sach-a-booty (J-pan "e's" for It's been a long time...sucka)

Well then. How is everyone? I hope that you enjoyed the few random pictures that I posted. I am sorry that I was not able to post all of the randoms that I have of everyone, but just so you know, I care about and miss you all. I appreciate the random mails that I get from time to time as well.
So what's up? Well not much here. I do have to say that last night I watched an excellent movie called, "How to Kill Your Neighbors Dog". It was really pretty funny and in the end I truly enjoyed it. Therefore I would like to suggest it to you all as well, here it goes, "You all really should see the aforementioned film. It is enjoyable and I beleive that most people will enjoy the main characters cynicism. It was way better than 'sideways' but then again so was 'A league of their own', 'Dick Tracy', and about a million other movies".
So recently in class I have been doing some fun activities...such as reading Calvin and Hobbes as well as giving tests on following directions by having the students play through the training session on the XBox game "Splinter Cell", all in all the end of this semester has been highly enjoyable. I have two days left until the official end. I am beginning to think up ways to spend my time while not working. I think I might start lifting weights...ha, just kidding. Seriously though. Maybe I'll finally write that book, or at least read one or two.
At his point of the post I would like to make an observation: is it just me or do comics really suck as of late? Now I'm not talking about Marvel or DC or things of that ilk, but moreoever just the plane ole funny pages comics. I have to admit that after the retirement of Gary Larson (The Far Side) and Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes) comics just aren't the same. I do however enjoy a little Get Fuzzy from time to time. But it's just not the same.
Well I think that this is enough for now. I shall talk to you all again soon. In the meantime do as I do and get in touch with your femine side by listening to The Misfits, thanks Kelly!

"hungry? why wait?"

"hungry? why wait?"
Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
So this is what started all of this. I found a disc the other day with a bunch of old pictures. As I began to look at them I got a little sad and lonely and thought that perhaps I should share them with you all...or at least you three or four that will glance at 'em. I miss you all and I hope that you enjoy the pictures as well as I do. Take care and as the late great Johnny Cash said, "damn your eyes", oh wait, I meant "we'll meet again/don't know where and I don't know when/but we'll meet again some sunny day".

Chemically Inspired

Chemically Inspired
Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
A little design that I made for a softball jersey. I thought that it was pretty good. That Zoloft bubble thing is so cute!

you are missed as well

Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
Chris makes an ass of himself. Nothing new under the sun there. Summer orientation 2003. Whatta cake job. I mean, I learned many things while performing this service to the fine institution that is Loras College.

Which way to the weight room?

Which way to the weight room?
Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
Honestly, I lifted both of them up on my shoulders. No ropes or harnesses were used in this performance. This was taken on my first trip to Ireland. Some random night out...on the left is Pat McMahon and the left is Seamus Ahern; don't know why I included the information. But it's there if you want to know...next!

880 Loras Blvd.

880 Loras Blvd.
Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
I miss lazy Saturday's and watching a random sporting event and acting as though I actually cared...

Last night Dublin 2004

Last night Dublin 2004
Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
...and I miss you two as well...

Waiting for the man

Waiting for the man
Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
Chuckles and Patrick wait with myself and Drew for the Pizza guy. This picture was taken in the Summer of 2003 when I visited Pat in Iowa City for a few days that turned into a few weeks. Daewoo...great car, if you want to get stranded. That's not a complaint by the way. I was lucky to be able to spend so much time with such sexy men. Special Note to Chuck: you are definately fatter than me.

Mikey and Drew at Gabe's Oasis

Mikey and Drew at Gabe's Oasis
Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
One could only imagine what kind of conversation these two were having. I would imagine that Mike said something shocking and Drew probably shook his head a lot and said that he was wrong. Sigh...decent conversation...or at least a conversation beyond, "How are you?" and the quick blanket response of, "I am fine" accompanied by a blank look. I know they are trying, but I could go for one of Mikey's strange and humorous anecdotes or even just a strange outburst.

Iowa Countryside

Iowa Countryside
Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
I do miss the wide open spaces probably the most. I can't tell you just how much I miss the smell of fresh cut grass or how much I would love get that itchy feeling from lying in the stuff. There isn't grass anywhere in this friggin' country. Send me some...please...


What's New? or The Man in the White Hat Takes Brad to Brazil.

Well considering it has been awhile since I have really talked to many of you...and even longer since I have actually seen ya, I thought that I would take a minute and let you all know what's new.
Let's get right into the bad stuff: I am not coming home this summer. And for that I am sad and I have to admit that I feel as though I am letting a lot of people down. Firstly I want you all to know that I love you so very much and I am truly sorry for not saving the money as I should have and even more sorry for letting anyone down who may have had plans for me when I returned. Your love and support means the world to me and I do hope that with time you can forgive me (ahem...Mom, please...)
Other new things: well as you can see I am trying to grow a mustache. I thought that it was time that I took my spot at the table of great men (i.e. My father, Uncle Glenn, Tom Selleck, Sam Elliot, New Flanders, and of course Rolly Fingers). So anyways. I get bored and decide that every once and a while I should try something new. It is just about time to shave the ugle little thing...but I have grown partial and still feel that with a little time and some teasing I can perhaps get the baby to curl up...anyone wanting to see this please send 'stach wax by way of overnight express.
What else is new...well my blood pressure has dropped and I have lost about 20 kgs. I have also been known to enjoy a fine game of darts as of late. I am currently number five on the club house board. Two challenges have been made on my part against number two and number one and each has ended in spliting after two and losing the third. But who really cares?
I recently had some kind guests visit me from the States. Their father is a Loras professor and his daughter (who recently visited) was studying north of here in Nagoya...I think. Anyway, it was in honor of their visit that we all went out to a find Brazilian restaurant and feasted on freshly roasted animal parts. It was choice! It was at this fine local that the picture was taken. No that's not really my hat, and I don't really know why Brad just didn't feel like smiling.
Well I hope that those that look enjoy and those that don't dream about what it is that they are missing. I love you all and I hope that life is treating you all graciously and kindly.
Love you all!

Check me out at a Ball Game...

Check me out at a Ball Game...
Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
So last Tuesday I went to a ball game...it was a free ticket. Now I'm not such a big fan of baseball and was thinking that this was going to be a mistake considering the fact that it has consistently been in the upper 80's mid 90's for the past three or four weeks...not to mention the fact that the humidity is horrible (best comparison: stick a humidifier in your sweat-pants and then put on a rubber running suit and go for a jog. It's bad. Gold Bond just clumps and falls to the ground). So where was I? At the game. Okay, so I walk in and much to my amazement and disbelief the place was air-conditioned. Honestly. The seats ahead of us blew cold air on us all night. I was actually a little chilly. I am sure that it helped that it wasn't all that packed...but still, air conditioning at a sporting event? I am pretty surprised. Are you?
Next thing: the fans. It was pretty strange. As I alluded to before no one was really there, yet there were plenty of noisemakers and wig-wearers. I guess that in Japan baseball games are the equals of College Football in the US. This means that there are cheering sections, bands, and people dancing about with wigs on...and all for no reason. I mean these folks in the picture cheered for both sides equally. A bit strange, no?
Overall it was enjoyable and I would like to go again sometime. But next time I'm bringing a coat.
oh yeah, another interesting tidbit: they not only had your regular (or irregular "Bento") stands, but they also had a McDonalds, KFC, and perhaps few other fast food joints in the MALL below the field. Craziness abounds. Not to mention that this teams has two home field (for the curious few the team is the Orrix Buffaloes...not thhe infamous Hanshin Tigers). Enough about this boredom. It was strange. I still like Busch though.

Bento at the Ballpark?

Bento at the Ballpark?
Originally uploaded by dbaxelson.
So what is your favorite food at a game? Maybe a hot dog, or perhaps a nice spicey sausage. Well o'er here it's fish paste and tempura'd thingies all wrapped up in a nice little wooden box called a Bento, or lunch box. Kinda strange. But the beer is cold and they carry kegs on their backs. Guess bento's n' beer ain't all that bad. Although I did venture out for a hotdog and returned with a "wiener" on a stick. I squirted mustard on the guy ahead of me. Those suckers are though to open.